How to Fetch an API

natasha selvidge
4 min readMar 23, 2021


Photo by Chewy on Unsplash

In this post, I will teach you how to render a list of items from an API endpoint. We will go over how to make an HTTP request using Fetch API, learn the basics of a JavaScript Promise object, and chain Promises using the .then() method. If you aren’t familiar with API please read my previous post Application Programming Interface.

As developers, we often need to gather data from external sources for use in our programs. Fortunately, in recent years, the Fetch API has made retrieving, adding, editing, and removing data from external databases more accessible than ever before. This method works by providing and resolving a series of promises. Here are some examples of this process.

What is fetch?

Fetch is a simple interface for fetching resources. Fetch allows us to make network requests and handle responses much more manageable than XMLHttpRequest(XHR) from the past. Fetch only requires one argument(which is a GET request by default) in our example the JavaScript code for the Dog CEO API would be:

Here we are setting the variable to the image URL and plugging it into the fetch to get images of 4 random dogs. Even though running the code will execute without errors, we won’t be able to do much with it just yet, and by examining the result of this code in the terminal, we’re left with the following:

What is a Promise?

The Promise object represents the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation and its resulting value. Think of it as an actual promise, so our JavaScript has sent a request to the server to GET information from the URL that we provided, and now it promises to do something with it. However, there are three different states when working with promises, Pending, Fulfilled, and Rejected.


When a Promise is Pending, it means the server hasn’t replied to our request yet. A Pending Promise can be transitioned to either Fulfilled or Rejected. Once a Promise transitions to either Fulfilled or Rejected, it cannot transition to any other state, and its value will not change as well, but until we get a result, the Promise is pending.


When a Promise is Rejected, this means the asynchronous operation has failed, and the Promise will never be fulfilled. Per MDN, the fetch() API only rejects a promise when a “network error is encountered, although this usually means permissions issues or similar.” Basically, fetch() will only reject a promise if the user is offline or some unlikely networking error occurs, such as a DNS lookup failure.


When a Promise is Fulfilled, this means the asynchronous operation has been completed, and the Promise has a value. Back to our dog example, we need to tell our program what to do with the request results, but first, we need to add a Promise.prototype.then method in order to attach a callback once our Promise has been fulfilled. We then want to parse the response as JSON.


JavaScript Object Notation or JSON as it will be referred to in this guide. The JSON method will be called on the response to get the response body in JSON format. This operation is also asynchronous. So when the server returns a string, we need to convert it into a JS Object that our program can use. The JSON method returns a Promise, so we will need to add another Promise chain with .then(). We will then pass the JS Object into our chain.

Success! We’ve just printed out the JS Object to the console, but now give it instructions to manipulate the DOM with our new JS Object and get four random dog photos to appear in our browser:

Here we have passed our image object to our showImage function. In our showImage function we set the a div variable to grab our dog image container in our index.html page. Then iterate over the images with a forEach method, and create a image element and append the image element to the div variable we set earlier.

There you have it! On each refresh a new set of four random adorable dog photos show up in our browser!

